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Jennifer Hagen

Jennifer Hagen

Why I Feel Called to this Role

My name is Jennifer Hagen and I’m privileged to be serving as the Donation and Database Specialist.  Prior to joining Decision Point, I was working for 6 years as an Administrative Assistant in the public schools.  Throughout that experience,  I learned so much about myself and the community around me.  However, I felt that God was calling me towards ministry.

I have seen how hard our world can be for students and how isolating and hopeless it can be for some of them. God has opened a door for me to support and encourage those in the field that are building relationships with students. I am honored to walk this journey with them helping to reach students with the gospel and hope of Jesus Christ.

I am blessed to be married to my ever-supportive husband Jeff for 28 years and have 3 wonderful young adult children plus two amazing daughter-in-laws.

Would You Partner with Me to Reach Students in Chicago and Across the U.S.?
